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Standardised Drug Provocation Testing in Perioperative Hypersensitivity

Study Purpose

The goal of this clinical trial is to evaluate the safety and outcome of systematic drug provocation testing with anaesthetics at therapeutic doses in adult patients undergoing diagnostic work-up for perioperative hypersensitivity.

Recruitment Criteria

Accepts Healthy Volunteers

Healthy volunteers are participants who do not have a disease or condition, or related conditions or symptoms

Study Type

An interventional clinical study is where participants are assigned to receive one or more interventions (or no intervention) so that researchers can evaluate the effects of the interventions on biomedical or health-related outcomes.

An observational clinical study is where participants identified as belonging to study groups are assessed for biomedical or health outcomes.

Searching Both is inclusive of interventional and observational studies.

Eligible Ages 18 Years and Over
Gender All
More Inclusion & Exclusion Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

  • - patients consulting the allergology department of the Antwerp University hospital medical with a history consistent with perioperative hypersensitivity.
  • - Indication for diagnostic work-up as determined at an interdisciplinary meeting between allergologists and anaesthetists.
  • - willing to sign separate informed consent forms for both general anaesthesia and the Drug Provocation Test.

Exclusion Criteria:

  • - patient refusal.
  • - incomplete diagnostic work-up.
- history inconsistent with perioperative hypersensitivity

Trial Details

Trial ID:

This trial id was obtained from ClinicalTrials.gov, a service of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, providing information on publicly and privately supported clinical studies of human participants with locations in all 50 States and in 196 countries.


Phase 1: Studies that emphasize safety and how the drug is metabolized and excreted in humans.

Phase 2: Studies that gather preliminary data on effectiveness (whether the drug works in people who have a certain disease or condition) and additional safety data.

Phase 3: Studies that gather more information about safety and effectiveness by studying different populations and different dosages and by using the drug in combination with other drugs.

Phase 4: Studies occurring after FDA has approved a drug for marketing, efficacy, or optimal use.

Lead Sponsor

The sponsor is the organization or person who oversees the clinical study and is responsible for analyzing the study data.

University Hospital, Antwerp
Principal Investigator

The person who is responsible for the scientific and technical direction of the entire clinical study.

Vera Saldien, MD,PhD
Principal Investigator Affiliation University Hospital Antwerp, Head of department of anesthesiology
Agency Class

Category of organization(s) involved as sponsor (and collaborator) supporting the trial.

Overall Status Recruiting
Countries Belgium

The disease, disorder, syndrome, illness, or injury that is being studied.

Allergic Reaction, Hypersensitivity, Perioperative Complication, Anaphylaxis, Anaphylactic Reaction, Immediate Hypersensitivity, Hypersensitivity, Drug
Additional Details

Perioperative hypersensitivity reactions (POH) pose a risk for major morbidity and mortality in the perioperative period. After resolution of the initial reaction it is crucial to determine the culprit drug to allow safe anaesthetics for future procedures.However this is not easy, as many drugs are administered near simultaneously and both anaesthesia and surgery may provoke or mask many of the symptoms of a hypersensitivity reaction. Conventional testing seems to offer good predictive value based on the low incidence of POH in subsequent re-exposures after negative work-up. Despite negative work-up anaesthetists often chose not to re-administer an neuromuscular blocking agent (NMBA) used in the index reaction, especially if no other culprit was found. This introduces an important bias as this group (no culprit found, NMBA not re-exposed) might be at the highest risk of containing false negatives as NMBA are the most frequent cause of POH in our region.The same remark can be made regarding earlier attempts by our group and others at establishing the negative predictive value (NPV) of conventional testing through retrospective analysis of subsequent re-exposures.To truly establish the NPV for conventional testing and thus the need for DPT, a prospective approach is needed where all patients are challenged with index drugs after negative conventional testing. Adult patients that are referred for diagnostic work-up for POH will be included if they have a clinical history fitting with POH. All patients will first receive a full diagnostic work-up for all index products consisting of in vivo (skin tests) and in vitro (specific IgE and -for drugs in which it is available- basophil activation tests). Clinical reactions (both index reactions and any reactions during DPT) will be classified according to the National Audit Program (NAP-6) classification which separates non-fatal POH in 4 grades:

  • - NAP 1 (only cutaneous/mucosal signs) - NAP 2 (circulatory or respiratory symptoms which don't require treatment) - NAP 3 (circulatory or respiratory symptoms which require treatment or potential airway compromise) - NAP 4 (fulfilling indications for cardiopulmonary resuscitation) Skin tests will be performed at the allergology day clinic following the protocols of the French Society for Anaesthesia and Intensive Care and the French Society of Allergology.
Based on these results we make a distinction between patients with an identified culprit and those without an identified culprit. If a culprit has been found, all other index drugs are challenged at therapeutic doses. The standard testing is performed for alternatives for the culprit drug in the same drug class (such as NMBA) and one drug from this class that tests negative is also used in a challenge at a therapeutic dose. If no culprit has been found after the initial work-up of skin tests and in vitro tests the next step is determined by the severity of the initial reaction. In NAP-6 grade 1-3 reactions all index drugs are challenged at therapeutic doses. As the benefits of DPT have yet to be fully quantified the risk-benefit analysis in the most severe reactions (NAP 4) is difficult to make. Hence, we use an 'confirmation by elimination' principle in these cases in which we only challenge with the drugs that do not carry the highest likelihood of being the culprit. This likelihood is based on both timing and epidemiology as NMBA are a much more common cause of POH in our region than all other anaesthetics combined. By eliminating all other drugs we 'clear' them for future use and gain confidence in our suspicion of the most likely culprit without having to administer them in this population.

Arms & Interventions


Experimental: POH patients

incremental administration of investigated anesthetics up to full therapeutic dose in POH patients.


Diagnostic Test: - Full dose DPT with propofol

Incremental administration of propofol up to a cummulative full therapeutic dose (2mg/kg) in POH patients investigated for propofol. Doses will be administered every 15 minutes starting at 1/100th of the dose, followed by 1/10th of the dose, 3/10th of the dose and ultimately 6/10th of the dose (0.02mg/kg-0.2 mg/kg -0.6 mg/kg -1.2mg/kg).

Diagnostic Test: - Full dose DPT with ketamine

Incremental administration of ketamine up to a cummulative full therapeutic dose (1mg/kg) in POH patients investigated for ketamine. Doses will be administered every 15 minutes starting at 1/100th of the dose, followed by 1/10th of the dose, 3/10th of the dose and ultimately 6/10th of the dose (0.01 mg/kg -0.1 mg/kg -0.3 mg/kg -0.6mg/kg).

Diagnostic Test: - Full dose DPT with etomidate

Incremental administration of etomidate up to a cummulative full therapeutic dose (0.2mg/kg) in POH patients investigated for etomidate. Doses will be administered every 15 minutes starting at 1/100th of the dose, followed by 1/10th of the dose, 3/10th of the dose and ultimately 6/10th of the dose (0.002 mg/kg -0.02 mg/kg -0.06 mg/kg -1.2mg/kg).

Diagnostic Test: - Full dose DPT with midazolam

Incremental administration of midazolam up to a cummulative full therapeutic dose (0.05mg/kg) in POH patients investigated for midazolam. Doses will be administered every 15 minutes starting at 1/100th of the dose, followed by 1/10th of the dose, 3/10th of the dose and ultimately 6/10th of the dose (0.0005 mg/kg -0.005 mg/kg -0.015 mg/kg -0.03mg/kg).

Diagnostic Test: - Full dose DPT with fentanyl

Incremental administration of fentanyl up to a cummulative full therapeutic dose (1mcg/kg) in POH patients investigated for fentanyl. Doses will be administered every 15 minutes starting at 1/100th of the dose, followed by 1/10th of the dose, 3/10th of the dose and ultimately 6/10th of the dose (0.01 mcg/kg -0.1 mcg/kg -0.3 mcg/kg -0.6mcg/kg).

Diagnostic Test: - Full dose DPT with sufentanyl

Incremental administration of sufentanyl up to a cummulative full therapeutic dose (0.1mcg/kg) in POH patients investigated for sufentanyl. Doses will be administered every 15 minutes starting at 1/100th of the dose, followed by 1/10th of the dose, 3/10th of the dose and ultimately 6/10th of the dose (0.001 mcg/kg -0.01 mcg/kg -0.03 mcg/kg -0.06µg/kg).

Diagnostic Test: - Full dose DPT with alfentanil

Incremental administration of alfentanil up to a cummulative full therapeutic dose (10mcg/kg) in POH patients investigated for alfentanil. Doses will be administered every 15 minutes starting at 1/100th of the dose, followed by 1/10th of the dose, 3/10th of the dose and ultimately 6/10th of the dose (0.1 mcg/kg -1 mcg/kg -3 mcg/kg -6µg/kg).

Diagnostic Test: - Full dose DPT with remifentanil

Incremental administration of remifentanil up to a cummulative full therapeutic dose (0.5mcg/kg) in POH patients investigated for remifentanil. Doses will be administered every 15 minutes starting at 1/100th of the dose, followed by 1/10th of the dose, 3/10th of the dose and ultimately 6/10th of the dose (0.005 mcg/kg -0.05 mcg/kg -0.15 mcg/kg -0.3µg/kg).

Diagnostic Test: - Full dose DPT with rocuronium

Incremental administration of rocuronium up to a cummulative full therapeutic dose (0.6mg/kg) in POH patients investigated for rocuronium. Doses will be administered every 15 minutes starting at 1/100th of the dose, followed by 1/10th of the dose (0.006 mg/kg -0.06 mg/kg ). In a second session 3/10th of the dose and ultimately 7/10th of the dose (0.18 mg/kg -0.42mg/kg) are administerd under general anesthesia.

Diagnostic Test: - Full dose DPT with atracurium

Incremental administration of atracurium up to a cummulative full therapeutic dose (0.5mg/kg) in POH patients investigated for atracurium. Doses will be administered every 15 minutes starting at 1/100th of the dose, followed by 1/10th of the dose (0.005 mg/kg -0.05 mg/kg ). In a second session 3/10th of the dose and ultimately 7/10th of the dose (0.15 mg/kg -0.35mg/kg) are administered under general anesthesia .

Diagnostic Test: - Full dose DPT with cisatracurium

Incremental administration of cisatracurium up to a cummulative full therapeutic dose (0.15mg/kg) in POH patients investigated for cisatracurium. Doses will be administered every 15 minutes starting at 1/100th of the dose, followed by 1/10th of the dose (0.0015 mg/kg -0.015 mg/kg ). In a second session 3/10th of the dose and ultimately 7/10th of the dose (0.045 mg/kg -0.105mg/kg) are administered under general anesthesia .

Diagnostic Test: - Full dose DPT with succinylcholine

Incremental administration of succinylcholine up to a cummulative full therapeutic dose (1mg/kg) in POH patients investigated for succinylcholine. Doses will be administered every 15 minutes starting at 1/100th of the dose, followed by 1/10th of the dose (0.01 mg/kg -0.1 mg/kg). In a second session 3/10th of the dose and ultimately 7/10th of the dose (0.3 mg/kg -0.7mg/kg) are administered under general anesthesia.

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International Sites

Antwerp University Hospital, Edegem, Antwerp, Belgium




Antwerp University Hospital

Edegem, Antwerp, 2650

Site Contact

Nils Vlaeminck

[email protected]


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