FARE - Food Allergy Research & Education Logo

Finding a Trial

The purpose of a clinical trial is to identify the most effective, safest treatment for a disease. Clinical trials are key steps in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s drug approval process. Participants can access cutting-edge therapies while playing a vital role in helping researchers develop new treatments.

Use the FARE Clinical Trial Finder to simplify your search for research studies that fit your needs:

  • Fill out the filter menu below. Use keywords for a narrow search, or leave keywords blank for a broader search.
  • Click the Search Trials button. Matching trial summaries will appear at right. Select LEARN MORE to view details.
  • For more information, email or phone the site coordinator at the trial site nearest to you.
  • We strongly recommend that you consult with your healthcare provider about any trials that interest you and refer to our terms of service below.

FARE Clinical Trial Finder searches studies listed on clinicaltrials.gov, a service of the U.S. National Institutes of Health that provides information on publicly and privately supported human clinical studies in all 50 states plus Washington, D.C., and in more than 190 countries and U.S. territories.

For Patients

All food allergy patients who can give informed consent themselves, or through a legal representative, are eligible to join the FARE Patient Registry. This U.S. focused research study invites patients to complete a series of surveys, sharing their de-identified (anonymous) food allergy experiences with the research community, helping to advance understanding of the disease. All data is stored and maintained in a secure, password-protected database, assuring the privacy, security and confidentiality of all personal information. Learn more and register today to help drive research forward.

For Researchers

Do you need volunteers or data for your clinical trial? Let the FARE Patient Registry help you. Contact us at [email protected] to get started.

1 - 10 of 292 Trials
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The content provided on clinical trials is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical consultation with your healthcare provider. We do not recommend or endorse any specific study and you are advised to discuss the information shown with your healthcare provider. While we believe the information presented on this website to be accurate at the time of writing, we do not guarantee that its contents are correct, complete, or applicable to any particular individual situation. We strongly encourage individuals to seek out appropriate medical advice and treatment from their physicians. We cannot guarantee the availability of any clinical trial listed and will not be responsible if you are considered ineligible to participate in a given clinical trial. We are also not liable for any injury arising as a result of participation.