Tadalafil and Pembrolizumab in Recurrent or Metastatic Head and Neck Cancer
This study will examine the combination of pembrolizumab and tadalafil for safety and efficacy in advanced head and neck cancer.
The Basophil Activation Test For Egg Allergy
In this study, basophil activation test (BAT) established by the investigators' lab was evaluated for its sensitivity and specificity in child egg allergy diagnosis. Children with suspected IgE mediated allergy to egg will be recruited in the study. Specific IgE to egg allergen and BAT will be detected. The diagnostic accuracy of the BAT will be assessed against clinical diagnosis based on history, clinical symptoms and laboratory results.
The Effects of Oral Fructanase Administration on Gastrointestinal Symptoms After Inulin Challenge in Healthy Adults
The carbohydrate inulin (from chicory root) is a healthy prebiotic ingredient found in dietary supplements and fortified foods (Nagy et al). Inulin is representative of a broader class of typically health-associated, yet fermentable carbohydrates called fructans that occur naturally in many vegetables, fruits, and wheat. Fructans, or long chains of fructose units, are resistant to human digestive enzyme hydrolysis and transit intact to the small intestine and colon where they undergo rapid fermentation by intestinal microbes. This microbial metabolism of fructans produces gas and other fermentation byproducts that can lead to excess gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms like abdominal...
The Egg Up Trial - Testing a New Treatment Pathway for Infants with Newly Diagnosed Egg Allergy
The goal of this study is to test the safety and feasibility of a change in management approach for infants with newly diagnosed egg allergy. Infants with newly diagnosed egg allergy will have egg introduced via a gradual and graded home based approach known as an "egg ladder" supervised by a dietitian. The main questions this study aims to answer are how safe and feasible are home-based dietitian-led "egg ladders" as a treatment pathway to achieve tolerance of egg for newly diagnosed infants with egg allergy.
The PEBBLES Study - Testing a Strategy for Preventing Eczema and Food Allergy in High Risk Infants
This is a phase III, single blind (outcome assessor is blinded), randomised controlled multicentre trial of the effect of EpiCeram emollient for improving and maintaining skin barrier function and reducing incidence of eczema and food allergy in high risk infants. A total of 760 participants with a first degree family history of allergic disease (asthma, eczema, allergic rhinitis or food allergy) will be recruited (380 each group) from maternity wards of three hospitals.
The Role of Filaggrin Mutations and Sensitization Pathways in Allergic Rhinitis and Peanut Allergy
Caucasian male and female participants age 18 years of age and older will be enrolled in this study if they have known birch or peanut allergies or known to be non-atopic. Participants will undergo skin testing to confirm their allergies if not completed in the last 12 months. Medications and medical history will be captured with a focus on atopic disorders. Participants will undergo birch and peanut patch testing to assess penetration and if potential correlation exists with filaggrin genotyping and phenotyping. Blood samples will be drawn from participants and DNA isolated for genotyping of null mutations in filaggrin.
The Role of Human Milk Oligosaccharides and Microbiomes on Infantile Colic and Atopic Dermatitis in Term Infants
Background: Human milk oligosaccharides (HMO) and microbiota are both key factors for infants to shape the gut flora and develop the immune system. Breastfed infant is beneficial to prevent the occurrence of infantile colic (IC) and atopic dermatitis (AD), which may through shaping a healthy microbiota. However, the gut microbiota biomarkers representing IC and AD have not yet been discovered. In addition, the effectiveness of supplement of HMO in infant formula reduce the incidence of IC and AD in infants is still debate.
The TreEat Study- Can Early Introduction of Tree Nuts Prevent Tree Nut Allergy in Infants with Peanut Allergy
Early and regular ingestion of the common allergens, peanut and egg has been shown to be an effective allergy prevention strategy. It is not clear whether this is also true of tree nut allergy. Current practice in many Australian allergy clinics for children with peanut allergy (high risk of tree nut allergy), is to advise families to introduce each individual tree nut into their child's diet via a cautious home introduction protocol without prior allergy testing (screening). The safety and effectiveness of an early and regular ingestion strategy for the prevention of tree nut allergy has not been formally evaluated and it is known that around a third of children with peanut...
Using Spectrally Encoded Confocal Microscopy (SECM) to Image the Esophagus
The goal of this study is to test the feasibility and the tolerability of a tethered spectrally encoded confocal microscopy (SECM) capsule and to use it to image the esophagus.
Clinical Trial on the Effect of Autologous Oral Mucosal Epithelial Sheet Transplantation
To investigate the effect of ocular surface reconstruction and assess the safety in cultivated oral mucosal epithelial cell sheet transplantation (COMET) regarding patients with cicatricial change of ocular surface.